Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Love Orange with purple...

This color combination, I think works well. I added the periwinkle bowl, because of the color--(the shape gave me fits, though) Who ever invented the ellipse, I'd LIKE to HAVE A WORD WITH THEM ! ha ha ha !!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Mini Eggplants... who knew?

This composition had some oranges in it, but since the other day I had given it an olive green (drab) ground,and I didn't have any more panels,

I thought better of it, and removed them... You Carol graduates will know what I'm talking about. (couldn't do the saturated color I needed to) Anyway, I took them out, and decided to go ahead with it. I did leave the background yellow-orange (which was fabric) and I didn't care if it was particularly saturated or not. The white of the cup bothers me a bit, but, it was actually really whiter than I have it...

Oh, me, oh my.....

better picture this morning, with a few finishing touches...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

3 Pink Ladies

Soon I guess I'll have to eat these, before they get too old, but for now, I'm having fun painting them. I actually did a little more to this, including the polka-dots on the bowl. (I found it for $1. at Goodwill, can you believe?) I took the painting outside to photograph it, but it was too dark, and the photo didn't turn out... I thought I'd post this earlier one, so I'd have one to post before the day was over.... (I didn't want you to think I was just lolly-gaggin', and didn't do any painting today)
Actually, I really struggled getting this one. Instead of the regular 6 x 6, it's on an 8 x 8, so maybe that entered into the mix... ha !

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Suzanne's Zinnia

Not so sure this composition works, but anyhow, I wanted to paint a few flowers, since my neighbor's gardener shared them yesterday. I'll have to work at getting the composition right

Friday, August 26, 2011

Signs of Fall... hopefully...

thought I'd try the apples again... Don't know if I got it just right, but the more I do them (or other stuff) the easier it's becoming.... love it ! thanks, Carol !!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back to Basics...

When in doubt, go back to basics. Ha ! the apples again for me, too. Wanted to get a painting done this morning, and post it before I get started with my activities.
Yesterday I took finished canvases to a gallery in Brentwood on the Boulevard across from the Galleria. They took a total of 65 paintings, on consignment. Great place to catch lunch at P.F. Changs or Magianno's, and stop by the Shron Gallery to shop for a gift for a friend, or yourself !! There is also a cute little bakery and a children's shop, as well as a wonderful hair salon !

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Vase of Roses


I tried this on a 9 x 12 canvas, which is BIG for me, and it seemed as though it took forever. (I'm so used to the smaller ones) Was able to leave the strokes alone better than ever before, but still I didn't have all the values correct, and found myself going back over to darken, or add some lights to the flowers. I have this vase, which was thrown by a potter, has a handle, and is the perfect color to complement (compliment) the roses pinkish-orangish-yellow.
I've set up my studio to paint standing now... BUT, It's Killing my feet and legs.... I'M DETERMINED to keep it up, and give it more time, to see if I can handle it ! Changing everything back to sitting would be a big deal. I do wish I had a little bit better ventilation... maybe a special fan?

OH, ALSO ----- I am having an impossible time leaving comments for anybody on their blogs !!! I've even entered a forum to ask questions about itit, and other people are having the same problem, with no help,whatsoever, frfrom Blogger... ANYHOO---I CAN leave a comment, under ANONYMOUS... only trouble is, then no one can click to see my site ! It's a mess... Anyway- I'm trying to get it worked out. I DO COME SEE YOUR SITES... and LOVE TO MAKE COMMENTS ! thanks to Virginia Floyd, Carol Carmichael,
and Suzanne Berry, and the others who always leave me some great feedback... thank you !

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Whole Food Roses...

I got these on Friday and they were these amazing buds. so very cool. I wanted to paint them, but didn't know if I could do them justice. They were so complex, and had SO MANY PETALS.... Anyhoo., here they are. hopefully they "read" correctly. I posted the photo with them, although I worked from life. The large rose measured 6" across.... wow !

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sweet Peaches

These peaches from Whole Foods are particularly sweet and juicy. I buy them every chance I get... I know it's not going to last too long !

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Daisy Survivors

These three are about all that has survived from my hundreds of shasta daisies. I'm not sure I got the colors right. Maybe a different background? Anyway, I was just a smidge away from 'getting too fussy' !!! Gotta know when to stop ! ha ha

Friday, August 19, 2011

Balloon flower survived the HEAT...

I set this up yesterday, before the grandbabies came for a visit. They did their watercolors, while I sketched in my glass,and flower. (Gracie remembered I told her about 5 or 6 months ago it was called a balloon flower)
Anyhoo... I painted my ground purple, and explained to the girls why I was doing it. We all became distracted about then, and we ended up dancing, trying on clothes, eating pizza, etc. While we were all sitting around the table after dinner, Gracie went and did a painting for me. It was completely purple, just like the one I had done earlier. -and we sometimes think they are NOT paying attention to what we are doing- !!!
Well, we had a fun time, so this morning I went into the studio to finish it, and the flower had

completely moved, so I had to try and hold it up into the position it was in yesterday... challenging.. ha ha

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Comparing Apples to Oranges...

My hubby actually bought this apple for me to paint at the store in Fish Creek. I brought it home, and decided to give it a go... Even though it didn't have a stem, I think I should have maybe given it one... just kinda boring, that's all...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Even polka-dots... fun

We watched Carol do polka-dots on her little paper bag, and they really finished off the composition. Thought I'd try one of my favorite mugs... it's got dots, too... These darn oranges I've done a couple of times... Hope they are getting better. There are so many subtle value changes.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Two Newbies

Got to get back into the painting 'groove'--- it's soooo e a s y to be distracted, with so many things 'about'..... can you say A.D.D.?

I've done a couple of paintings, and need to post them, so here they are... they are looser, I feel, but maybe too 'crowded'--- not sure... where's Carol when you need her ?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fish Creek Workshop 'Bits'

Here are a few of the exercises and paintings we did this last week... We were so busy we hardly had time to dance !

that Carol Marine really cracks the whip !

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I've died and gone to Workshop Heaven...

Thank You, Carol Marine.... You are an amazingly talented young women, with a generousity which is incredible and talent and expertise to match....
I've never attended a workshop before, but last week my hubby and I drove 11 hours to Door County, Wisconsin... to Fish Creek, on Lake Michigan to a delightful little spot, where I enjoyed one of the most SPECIAL weeks of my life !
I've followed Carol for awhile, and decided when she had a workshop with an opening, I'd jump in and go before it filled up... GOOD DECISION...
I learned SOOOO much, and Carol made us put the knowledge she'd shared with us INTO PRACTICE, which really solidified it in our brains ! It was a challenge to be sure, but we all loved every minute of it, and wanted it to go on for another week, at least ! ha ha !!!
The women were absolutely fantastic, too, and I hope we have established some long lasting relationships, and can do some trips in the future, too... (Tuscany-2013 !!).... such a fun thought !!
Thanks, Kat, Beth, Lin, Nancy, Sherrie, Dawn, Barb, Jennifer, Dede, and all the rest... especially our lovely, Carol Marine... IT WAS WONDERFUL ! If you can't fit your head through the door, tell David it's OUR fault, not yours ! ha !!! we loved it !

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day Two Forty Eight

'Cutting it Close'
Trying hard to leave the brushstrokes, and let them speak for themselves... somehow... SO hard to do !! But, when I do it, I really like the results.....

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day Two Forty Seven

Well, my hubby didn't want to cook out in the heat, so my peppers survived another day, at least. Here they sit on a beveled mirror I bought to sell at the antique mall, but later decided it would make a good painting 'prop'....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day Two Forty Six

My new favorite thing to do is make mango smoothies... I add peaches, or strawberries, and sometimes frozen blueberries... Just 2 tea. honey, and tray of ice cubes, a bit of milk, in the blender... wow, refreshing on a hot day !

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day Two Forty Five

I bought some wonderful zinnias for my front porch, for the first open house. It got so hot, that after the initial blooms (which were magnificent) it seemed as though they were pretty puny. I thought I'd better rescue a few and paint them, before they get all 'leggy'... They are a beautiful salmon color, though mine here look pretty pink....