Monday, April 30, 2012

Maggiano's lunch reflections Painting #31

     I snapped bunches of pictures while eating with my sis at a fun restaurant in Brentwood this week.  Only problem is... they are so complicated to paint... need to keep subject matter a little more simplified, I'm thinkin'....

Saturday, April 28, 2012

At the Park Painting #30

     This is Cassandra's mom, at the park the other day.   My granddaughters were playing on the playground. 
      I thought she had called her daughter, 'Sandra', which, is a pretty rare name for a little one, so I commented on it to her.  She corrected me, and I realized she could make a good painting study, so I snapped a few of her, kinda pretending to be getting pictures of my babies.... ha ha .... people always start to 'pose' if they think you're getting them in the picture !  Either that, or they don't want you to take it, but--it never looks exactly like them, anyway, so I don't know why they care...  Oh well

     Maybe some of you could offer some insight on how to get pictures of people without them noticing or caring ?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Beach Walkers Painting #29

     This is my first attempt at ocean, water, waves, etc.  It is challenging to get the color and values just right.  I think this picture was late afternoon, or it looks that way from the shadows.   Shoes in hand, they are probably walking to the public beach, or the great restaurant on the pier that you see here... Benny's.... great food !

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Palm Beach Painting #28

    On a recent visit to Palm Beach to visit my friend, we stopped on the way from the airport at this great seafood restaurant.  I snapped this shot as we left.  Not quite finished.  Gotta put the finishing touches on tomorrow.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Zoo...the Hippo tank Painting #27

     The St. Louis Zoo is Fantastic.  I've been going there since I was a little girl, and now I get to take my granddaughters there to enjoy the animals, too.  There have been so many improvements over the past decades.  Big Cat Country is a wonderful setting to see lions and tigers without the confines of a traditional cage.  The elephants, rhinos and others (including the cheetah and hyenas) are visible along a beautiful walk among the wooded areas called Rivers Edge.  New features include: A great penguin house, the butterfly house, the 1904 World's Fair Birdcage, a tank where you can pet stingrays and sharks, the children's zoo, a new facility for the apes, (fantastic) and the Newest -opening this year- is a huge redesigned living space for the sealions and seals.    Make sure you visit if you are in St. Louis !
     This painting is from a picture I took of my 3 girls (daughter-in-law and 2 granddaughters) at the huge tank for hippos and large fish.  Those hippos swimming, viewing them underwater, is sure a sight to see !!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Key West cyclist Painting #26

     While recently in Key West I snapped a few shots.  Having some fun with them now.  Love the look of the bikes, and the loads of value contrasts.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Out to Lunch..... Painting #25

     Here I've strayed a bit from my usual still life, but this is a picture I took a few weeks ago.  My sis and I went to lunch and to our Botanical Garden.  We were both art teachers, retired, and have loads of interests in common.  One day a week we get together to either paint, sew, antique, (junk shops) and generally get into a bit of mischief !  It's fun !

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


     I worked on this, until finished last evening.  And- one day after cataract surgery !  Ha... guess that means my eye will be fine for painting purposes !!  After 5 weeks, I'll schedule the other one.  Here's me with the patch you have to wear to sleep, so you don't accidentally rub your eye.....

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Commission update

I worked today, adding color to my portrait commission.    He still has lots of more detail before he's done....

Gerbera Daisy Painting #24

     These always look so great at the nursery, then I bring them home.   Maybe I'll have to get some Miracle Grow to keep them blooming ! 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Plums Painting #23

     Plums on a plate.   Posting with my post-operative cataract surgery eye closed.    Surgery went well today.   Glad it's over... I was stressed, but so many friends have told me they have had great experiences with it too.   Now, I will be able to see to drive (in one eye, for now) without the glasses and contacts I've worn since I was in Mrs. Lauerman's 4th grade class !

Sunday, April 15, 2012

White Asters Painting #22

     Whenever I find these at the thrift store, I buy them.... even if a dog has chewed on them, and they can't really be worn (too well, anyway).  Come to find out, these little numbers are very special indeed, and are made in France... who knew?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Rare portrait commission Painting #21

     I'm working on this as a  SURPRISE  father's day gift.  Here is the first stage, in terre verde green.  I learned this method from Chris Saper's book on portraiture.  She does her completed underpainting in green because it's the complement of the fleshtones which will be added when this is completely dry.  I've used this method in my entire series of students portraits--  flicker site---

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Painting #20

         Tried hard to relate the transluscent quality of the grapes.  Don't know if I accomplished it, but it was fun trying.

Also, in the fruit department, it's almost time for summer lemonade... yummy

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Succulent series Painting #19

Started this last night... just roughing it in, on the black canvas... Finished this morning.... now, that's dedication.. ha ha  !    Seriously, those polka-dots will drive ya nuts !

Friday, April 6, 2012

Succulent series Painting #18

 Alright, I really put in a days work today !  Can't believe after my struggle (big time) that I decided to add this complicated background fabric... go figger....


     B U T-- I DID learn alot from this one, I'll tell ya that !  First of all, the pink background kept mixing with my color--- Really not good.... that fought me the whole way.  Then the background was indeed a challenge....  Also, the colors of the larger plant were very distinct, and quite contrasty, so the difficulty came in added a shadow color which would look enough different, so you could distinguish the two as different areas.   Also, the light and dark of the individual leaves had to remain a bit different in the shadow areas, too !!!  MaMa Mia !!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Succulent series... Painting #17

This one was a doo-zie !  I worked almost the whole afternoon on it, with little breaks for peanut butter.  Finished up this morning.... whew !

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tree Peony Painting #16

     This grows on a tree peony, which is similar to a regular peony, but has a woodier stalk.  The blooms measure about 7" across, and are the most incredible beauties....
     I changed the upper corners from the brighter, darker greens to the softer, lighter, soft edge background.  I think it helps the composition, keeping it from being so symmetrical. What do YOU think?

Succulent series Painting #15

   This one was challenging.... Not only was the plant difficult, and complex, but the elipses didn't help, either !!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Soft ranunculus Painting # 14

     This painting has my 'big 3' favorites in it.  It has hot pink, which I love, ranunculus, and polka-dots too...  Yes, I actually DO have this many polka dotted fabrics to put in these paintings.  You see, I love to make baby quilts, too, and have all sorts of wonderful fabrics for backgrounds, so there will be more to come, I'm sure. !