Saturday, November 26, 2011


I took some time out from painting and had fun putting together some collaged mini-journals, which I sell at several shops. I paint, then cover the plain journals both front and back and also inside the front and back covers. I love to use antique interesting text, like old letters, yearbooks, children's book illustrations, etc. Next step is finding an appropriate old photo which conveys the feeling of the message for each book. I add other collage elements, also, and collage on all 4 of the surfaces of the books. I usually finish with a meaningful, or whimsical stamp of a saying, which is the finishing touch to set the mood of the collage.
They are fun to do, and even though they are very 'labor-intensive' I love working on them and can hardly pull myself away to cook dinner sometimes... ha ha h a

Here are some examples of 8 of them... both front, back, and insides.

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