I'm chillin' out listening to my classic Billy Joel this morning, and finishing a painting..... so enjoyable being retired ! I hope all of you 'worker bees' get to experience this.... it's fun !
Which one do you like better? I changed this background, cause it's always bothered me. I guess it was too intense of a color, so I toned it down, and gave it more of a neutral feel.... what do you think?
Actually, he DID have a little help picking this out, but I was thrilled, just the same ! I can't wait for the weather to get warmer now, so I can try this. I've got it all 'stocked' and ready for Spring. While at Carol's workshop in Fish Creek last year, several of us got together and ordered online these cool boxes, with straps, to carry wet paintings after an afternoon en plein air painting. It can adjusted to fit either 8 x 8, 6 x 8, or 6 x 6. Perfect !
Rainy Sunday afternoon.... no sunflowers at Whole Foods today, so went with these gerberas. The first batch I cut a little too short, so, combined them for a mixed bouquet. Fun, especially when I don't have to cook dinner, cause it's great leftovers from my birthday dinner last night at this cool Italian restaurant, Charlie Gitto's, on the "Hill" in St. Louis !! How many times do I get so lucky that my family flys in from Dallas to join in the birthday celebration?? Thanks Brad and Michael, for making my birthday sooo special !
I'll admit it.... Garage sales, and yard sales get my heart thumpin'... Just can't help it, I'm addicted. I used to have antique mall booths with my sister, and that gave me a perfect excuse to shop. Now I've given that up, because it took soooo very much time, but I still have to get out there every Sat. morning, in case there is some treasure that might get by me ! ha I found this darling little tiny triangular vase, along with a couple of other little guys that had some unusual shapes, and I was so anxious to try painting them. Here's the first one.... It doesn't take much to make me happy, I guess. ha ha
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween. I didn't paint a pumpkin this year (yet, anyway), and didn't carve one either.... too busy painting sunflowers, I guess.
Painted this the other day, and posted another one, so this one got moved and forgotten.... I know it's kinda 'busy', with lots going on, but I liked the color and brushstrokes.... ha !