My granddaughter, Grace, who is 5 1/2 , loves to paint. (imagine that ?) Anyhoo, the last weekend, she was playing outside and got bored. Her dad said she disappeared inside the house and came out with her little table and her paintings with a sign on the front that said 'ART'... she had her own sidewalk art sale ! The picture is on my phone, or I'd post it.... it was soo cute...Unfortunately, they live on a quiet cul-de-sac, and don't get a lot of traffic...... Anyway, yesterday she painted 11 paintings, a bit bigger this time. They were 12 x 12.... She sold 4 of them !! Here are the two that her aunt bought, and I bought the one with the energetic blue lines.... PaPa has his picked out, too...... Never too young, I say !!
Did I mention that these roses are HARD to paint ! whew, I'm trying my darnest ! This time I did put in a little sketch with my paintbrush first, which helped in the organization of it, but STILL..... It's really hard to get the freshness, as well as the stark contrast on the petals... never fear, I'm going to keep at it til the thing wilts !!! ha ha
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Roses are so hard to paint.... I wiped the first one, and kept the second, but I'm gonna keep painting it, until it gets easier !!! (I could be all year ! ha ha )
I danced this morning, had my usual coffee date with a friend, and helped my daughter move into her new apartment, so I didn't have much time to do more than set up a new workable palette. But.... as I was doing that, I decided to experiment with my colors, my "greens", especially. I use only two yellows... Cadmium Yellow Lemon Pale, and Cadmium Yellow Medium. They are actually quite different, with the later one taking on a more 'orangeish' hue. The two blues on my palette are Ultramarine Blue, and Thalo Blue.... also quite different. The Ultramarine leans more toward purple, and the thalo is more toward the greens. I was actually quite amazed when I set out to mix the different combinations and record my findings... To me, the two mixtures with the thalo are brighter, and more intense, while the two mixtures with ultramarine are both more soft and muted. Of course, the proportions are estimated, so you can achieve lighter or darker values of these colors easily with more blue added to the mixtures, but I think the results are worth a 'look see'..... YLP= Yellow Lemon Pale CYL= Cadmium Yellow Light Aliz. C= Alizarin Crimson CRM= Cadmium Red Medium
I found the oranges quite similar, with the same experiment of color mixing... Maybe a little more intense with the combinations that contained the Cadmium Red Medium, as opposed to the Alizarin Crimson.
The owner of a local gallery asked if I'd demonstrate my painting for their monthly gathering. I enjoyed having my friends come and watch me and talk to all of them about my art. One friend sat right by me from the start, and had so many questions. It was a fun time. Here's the finished painting.
A friend is putting a new house on this lot, and wants to share the memory of the old one with the former resident. She commissioned me and I combined two photos to get the perspective and the awnings in there, that have been removed in recent years !
I guess I failed to mention that the house is going to be taken down to build the new one.... ha ha
There are SO MANY different varieties of sunflowers !! I was never aware of that, until I started painting them. I still really love the traditional one the best because of the fantastic contrast in values. I've finally gotten a new bouquet so I can tackle them a few more times..... so fun !
I used to use this site all the time, but haven't put anything here for awhile..... This contains the student portraits I did when I retired, for a show in March 08. Lots of other paintings are here, too.