Monday, November 15, 2010

Day Sixty-Four

                                                             'A Penny Saved'

 8 x 8 oil on panel
 50.00 + 6.00 s + h
     This is another vacation antique find.  I saw one is red, and one in blue, but the red reminded me of one I remembered from my childhood.   My sis had an idea for the setup... thanks, Lin.
     I've gone back to scanning the paintings, but of course, they need to be completely dry.  I'm still not sure of the best way to present them.... Always open to suggestions !


  1. Beautifully drawn and painted. Love the greys in the books opposed to the red piggy.

  2. Now this is great!!!!!! Love the composition:D

  3. Great job on those books! Cute little piggy.

  4. Nicely done! The perspective is good and the coins are good ellipses. Like the red piggy bank.
